Worldwide, there are 13 different species of Towhees, and 6 of them are found in North America. While many share very similar characteristics, there are some quick and simple ways to spot the...
Beginner’s Guide To Songbirds
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Eastern Bluebird's sing a song that sounds like a low-pitched soft chit call. Their most common call sounds like a "tu-a-wee" with a cheerful tone. The call is very short in duration, and male...
Sparrows are secondary cavity-nesters meaning that they will take up residence in an abandoned cavity or nest. You can build a sparrow birdhouse with simple materials or you can purchase one for...
While some songbirds mate for the duration of their lifetime, American robins do bond but only for the period during their mating and nesting season. For a robin couple, a male robin offers...
Cardinal songs have a very distinct pattern, with various vocal phrases. The most common cardinal sound is a loud whistle, going higher in pitch, ending, and then being followed by a staccato...
A red-winged blackbird’s nest is woven into an open cup-shaped and built above the water. You can find the nests in dense wetland vegetation like sedges, cattails, and...