Lazuli bunting is a tiny, stocky songbird often seen around New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Texas. They breeding in valleys, on hillsides near streams, and at high elevations in the western...
Beginner’s Guide To Songbirds
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Painted bunting is one of the most colorful North American birds. Adult males are decorated with yellow, red, blue, and lime-green feathers. Adult females are fully bright green. Painted...
Tips to Get Rid of Grackles in Your Yard & Around Your House
Grackles are beautiful birds, but their aggressive behavior can drive away friendly songbirds from your backyard feeders. Follow these simple and humane tips to keep grackles from overtaking your...
Tips to Get Rid of Starlings in Your Yard & Around Your House
The European Starling is a beautiful bird that shimmers in the sunlight. However, these aggressive and invasive non-native birds can drive away other songbirds and damage your home. Want to keep...
Wrens have their own diverse sounds. From the Carolina wren's tweedle-dee to the raspy car sound of the cactus wren song, the songs vary not only from other species of birds to different...
What Do Tanagers Sound Like? Scarlet Tanager Song & Summer Tanager Song
Scarlet tanagers, summer tanagers, and western tanagers all share similar bird sounds. The scarlet tanager is a gifted singer known by birders for their distinctive chip-burr sound. Even though all...