The Best Feeders to Attract Finches to Your Yard!

finch feeder
For House finches or goldfinches, you need a small tube feeder to discourage other birds from visiting the feeder. Stock the feeder with some finch favorite foods like thistle, cracked corn, and sunflower seeds. Another great way to attract finches is with colorful feeders.

Do you want to attract finches to your backyard feeders? While an all-purpose bird-feeder will bring them to your yard, they often have to fight bigger birds for a place at the table. Investing in finch-specific bird feeders is a great way to ensure that your friendly neighborhood finches are fed!

Check out some of these finch-friendly feeders below to turn your backyard into a finch paradise.

Top 3 Comparison Table

Best Overall
Users' Pick
Best Value
  • Highly effective at attracting American goldfinches
  • Built-in squirrel guard
  • 1 lb capacity
  • Wire mesh tube design allows multiple birds to feed at the same time
  • Quality built-in hanging loop
  • Very attractive design
  • Soft mesh sock design is well-liked by finches
  • Weather-resistant dome reservoir
  • Reasonably priced and a cost-effective
Best Overall
  • Highly effective at attracting American goldfinches
  • Built-in squirrel guard
  • 1 lb capacity
Users' Pick
  • Wire mesh tube design allows multiple birds to feed at the same time
  • Quality built-in hanging loop
  • Very attractive design
Best Value
  • Soft mesh sock design is well-liked by finches
  • Weather-resistant dome reservoir
  • Reasonably priced and a cost-effective

Our Top 5 Picks

1. Droll Yankees New Generation Finch Flocker

Best Overall
Droll Yankees New Generation Finch Flocker
  • 6 thistle seed ports
  • 1lb capacity
  • Removable top
  • UV-stabilized tube
  • Drainage holes
  • Lifetime warranty against squirrel damage
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The Droll Yankees New Generation Finch Flocker is a popular thistle seed feeder designed specifically for attracting and feeding finches, especially American goldfinches and other small songbirds.

Droll Yankees is known for producing high-quality bird feeders. The New Generation Finch Flocker has a durable construction, ensuring it can withstand outdoor conditions.

The feeder is equipped with 6 tiny feeding ports that allow finches to access the thistle seeds while preventing larger birds from getting to the seeds. The clear tube is UV-stabilized, protecting the thistle seeds from sun exposure and preventing spoilage.

With the removable top, you can lift or unscrew the upper part of the feeder, providing easy access to the seed chamber. The removable top makes cleaning the feeder a breeze.

The 1 lb capacity is ideal for birdwatchers who want to attract finches to their backyard but may not need a larger feeder with a higher seed capacity.


  • Users found the feeder to be highly effective at attracting finches, especially American goldfinches and other small songbirds
  • The feeder has a built-in squirrel guard
  • The 1 lb capacity provides an adequate amount of seeds, reducing the frequency of refilling


  • A few users have noted that during heavy rain or intense weather conditions, water may enter the feeding ports

2. Perky-Pet Wire Mesh Tube Finch Bird Feeder

Best For Thistle Seeds
Perky-Pet Wire Mesh Tube Bird Feeder
  • Specifically designed for dispensing thistle or nyjer seeds
  • Wire mesh tube design
  • Rust-resistant finish
  • Evenseed tchnology
  • Removable lid
  • Large feeding area
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This option is designed to be appealing to finches, attracting species such as American goldfinches, house finches, and purple finches.

The feeder features small, elongated feeding ports suitable for dispensing thistle seeds. These ports are designed to accommodate the slender bills of finches and regulate the seed flow to minimize waste.

The diamond-shaped mesh surface allows small seeds like thistle to be dispensed while preventing larger seeds or debris from falling out. This design also enables birds to easily access the seeds from various angles.

The circular perch provides a comfortable and stable platform for birds to rest on while feeding. Finches, in particular, are adapted to cling onto perches while eating, so a circular perch can suit their feeding behavior well. The tube’s design is straight-sided, which provides a larger surface area for birds to access the seeds and feed comfortably.

It comes with a built-in loop for easy suspension from a tree branch, hook, or bird feeding station.

The 1.5lb capacity allows you to provide a decent amount of food without frequent refilling.


  • The wire mesh tube design allows multiple birds to feed at the same time, which is particularly appreciated in busy bird feeding areas
  • The high-quality built-in hanging loop or hook makes it easy to hang the feeder in various locations, whether on a tree branch or a garden hook
  • Very attractive design


  • The feeder’s wire mesh design can lead to seed spillage, especially if the feeder is exposed to strong winds or if birds are particularly active

3. Kaytee Wild Bird Finch Station Soft Mesh Sock Feeder

Best Value
Kaytee Nyjer Finch Twin Pack Sock Instant Feeder
  • Soft mesh sock design
  • Weather-resistant dome reservoir:
  • 7 pound seed capacity
  • Easy to fill and refill
  • Suitable for small spaces
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The feeder’s size and design are intended to accommodate more birds comfortably at the feeder. The soft mesh sock design provides a suitable platform for finches and other small birds to cling and feed easily.

The feeder comes with a unique structure that allows it to hold extra seed compared to traditional feeders. This additional seed capacity (7 pounds) means the feeder needs to be refilled less frequently, providing convenience for bird enthusiasts.

The weather-resistant dome serves as a protective cover over the seed-filled mesh sock. It helps shield the seeds from rain, snow, and other weather elements, keeping the seeds dry and fresh for the birds.

The feeder comes with two replaceable mesh socks, allowing users to easily switch out worn or soiled socks with fresh ones.


  • The soft mesh sock design is well-liked by finches
  • The weather-resistant dome reservoir helps protect the seeds from rain and other weather elements
  • Reasonably priced and a cost-effective choice


  • Some users might experience wear and tear on the soft mesh sock over time, which can lead to the need for sock replacements; however, the feeder typically comes with 2 replaceable socks, which should address this issue

4. Woodlink Audubon Finch Screen Tube Wild Bird Feeder

The feeder is made from durable die-cast aluminum, which provides sturdiness and long-lasting performance. Like other options on this list, it features small feeding ports with a screen tube design, allowing multiple birds to feed simultaneously. It can hold up to a pound of bird seed.

The feeder comes with a removable cap, making it easy to access the seed compartment. Users can simply lift the top to fill the feeder with thistle or nyjer seeds.

The feeder is ready to use straight out of the box, with no assembly required.

It’s also designed to be squirrel-proof, helping to keep unwanted animals away from the bird seed.


  • The die-cast aluminum construction of the feeder is well-liked by users for its durability and resistance
  • Users find the feeder easy to refill, thanks to its removable top or cap and wide seed opening
  • Squirrel-proof design


  • The paint on the feeder chips over time, which leads to bare spots on the surface

5. Aspects Quick-Clean Thistle Tube Feeder

Aspects Quick-Clean Thistle Tube Feeder
  • Quick-clean technology
  • Metal cap and perches
  • UV-stabilized polycarbonate construction
  • Drainage system
  • 8 feeding stations
  • Large seed capacity
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Aspects feeders are known for their durable construction, often made from UV-stabilized polycarbonate. This material ensures that the feeder remains robust and resistant to UV damage over time.

With 8 feeding stations, multiple birds can feed simultaneously, accommodating a larger number of birds at once. The 1.25-quart capacity helps cater to the seed requirements of numerous birds while reducing frequent refills.

It features a built-in drainage system to prevent water from accumulating inside the feeder, keeping the seeds dry and fresh.

The seed deflector in the base helps ensure that the nyjer seeds are efficiently dispensed to the feeding ports. As birds access the seeds, the deflector redirects the seeds toward the feeding ports, making it easier for birds to access and consume every last seed.

The feeder is equipped with Aspects’ patented “Quick-Clean” technology, which allows for easy and convenient disassembly and cleaning. The removable base and ports enable users to access all parts of the feeder for thorough cleaning, ensuring proper hygiene for the birds.


  • With the help of the built-in seed deflector, users notice less seed waste and appreciate that every last seed is accessible to the birds
  • The built-in drainage system is effective in preventing water accumulation inside the feeder, maintaining the freshness of the seeds
  • The feeder’s hanging design is renowned for its ease of use


  • While the drainage system is effective in preventing water accumulation, some users might experience minor issues with water leakage during heavy rainfall or if the feeder is not well-maintained

What Type of Feeder is Best for Finches?

Tube Feeders

Tube feeders are affordable, easy to hang, and work with various songbird birdseed. You can fill it with thistle, sunflower seeds, cracked corn, or bird food. Thistle tubes deter some (but not all) backyard pests but aren’t without their disadvantages.

The pros on tube feeders include deterring larger birds that can’t land on smaller perches, and accommodates a wide variety of bird seed.

Our suggestion includes the Droll Yankees New Generation Finch Flocker, that can be found available on Amazon. It has a lot of promising reviews that it holds up well over years of continued use.

finch feeders

Specialty Goldfinch Feeder

Finches love bright colors. If you want to attract finches, opting for a colorful bird-feeder is an excellent choice. Many specialty finch feeders come in bright yellow colors that finches can’t resist. It also utilizes a metal mesh screen that makes it easy for Finches to hang upside down for a quick snack.

The specialty goldfinch feeder is super easy to clean, and has a metal mesh that provides easy-to-access feeding ports to accommodate many birds at one time. These typically come in a brigh yellow color that is known for attracting finches, and are great durable during the colder temperatures. Some negative aspects include: the tray at the bottom collects seeds that need to be removed daily, and can only accommodate the finch food thistle.

Our best suggestion in this category includes the Perky-Pet Wire Mesh Tube Finch Bird Feeder, which is one of the best goldfinch feeders on the market. It uses no wood or plastic and is built to withstand nasty winters without degrading or rusting. Plus, the yellow color of the feeder is a great way to draw finches to your backyard!

Finch Sock

If you don’t have the available funds for a special bird feeder, don’t worry! Sock feeders are incredibly affordable and a great way to deter other pesky birds. They hold a surprising amount of thistle, and it’s easy for Finches to hook their bird feet onto the soft bag.

Finch socks are incredibly affordable, easy to hang, and hold a lot of seed. It will deter larger birds from feeding, and won’t require cleaning.

Of all of the feeders, the Kaytee Finch Feeder is one of the most affordable options for bird watchers on a budget. This thistle sock fits up to 7 pounds of thistle and is so easy to hang. It’s not the prettiest feeder, but it gets the job done!

Hummingbird Feeders

Surprisingly, finches are also fiends for hummingbird nectar! If you want to attract hummingbirds and finches to your backyard, hummingbird feeders are a great choice. However, too many finches may scare off hummingbirds, so try and place multiple feeders around your yard in different areas.

The upsides to using hummingbird feeder is that nectar is super affordable and easy to make at home. It will also attract both hummingbirds and house finches! Not to mention this contraption is fairly easy to clean.

Suet Feeders

When in doubt, suet is a great solution. Suet feeders are insanely affordable, provide much need protein, don’t take up that much room, and are virtually mess-free. It’s important to note that hanging birds like finches can go through quite a few suet cakes in the winter, so be sure to stock up.

The good aspects of suet feeders are that they are very affordable, provide a good source of energy in the winter, and are small and easy to clean. The bad is that suet cakes often need to be replaced daily, and will attracts larger birds such as blue jays and woodpeckers.

What Other Wild Birds Use Finch Feeders?

Investing in a bird-specific feeder is nearly impossible with so many wild birds. The good news, however, is that many finch feeders are small and only attract small birds such as chickadees, pine siskins, and the occasional bluebird.

To ensure that your feeder is finch-friendly, it must be small. Larger birds like blue jays and starlings have difficulty perching on small feeders. Feeders like seed trays are better for larger birds but not ideal for Finches.

funny finch bird

What Type of Seed Do Finches Prefer?

Finches prefer thistles but also partake in many mixed Nyjer seeds blends that incorporate sunflower seeds, corn, and berries.

Thistle is excellent in the summer, but you may want to also invest in a few suet cakes for harsh winters. Finches aren’t migratory birds, meaning they need something extra when the temperatures plummet. Suet feeders stocked with black oil sunflower seeds are their absolute favorite.

Where Should Finch Feeders Be Placed?

Placing finch feeders in the right location can greatly increase the likelihood of attracting finches and other small birds to your yard.

Here are some tips on where to place finch feeders:

  1. Near Natural Shelter: Position the feeder near natural shelter such as trees, shrubs, or bushes. This gives the birds a safe place to perch, rest, and observe before approaching the feeder.
  2. High Off the Ground: Hang the feeder at least 5 to 6 feet off the ground. This helps protect the birds from potential predators like cats and squirrels.
  3. Away from Windows: To prevent birds from colliding with windows, place the feeder at least 10 to 15 feet away from any windows. This distance reduces the risk of birds mistaking the reflection for open space.
  4. Sun or Shade: Finches are adaptable birds, so you can place the feeder in either a sunny or shaded area. However, consider the local climate. In hot climates, providing some shade during the hottest part of the day can be beneficial.
  5. Clear View: Position the feeder where you can easily see and enjoy watching the birds. Placing it near a sitting area or a window where you frequently spend time can enhance your birdwatching experience.
  6. Away from Predators: Avoid placing the feeder too close to areas where predators, such as cats or hawks, might have easy access to the feeding birds.
  7. Accessible and Safe: Ensure that the location is easily accessible to birds and provides a safe environment for feeding. Avoid areas with heavy foot traffic or other disturbances that might frighten the birds.
  8. Multiple Feeders: If possible, set up multiple finch feeders in different areas of your yard. This can accommodate more birds and reduce competition for food.

What Color Feeders Do Finches Like?

Finches are attracted to bright colors, particularly yellow and orange. These colors resemble the bright colors of flowers, which finches associate with a potential food source.

Therefore, yellow and orange feeders are popular choices for attracting finches to bird feeders.

Our Quick Tips on Feeding Finches

  • The trick to feeding finches is ensuring that your feeders are built for small birds rather than large ones.
  • Finches aren’t difficult to please. Hang some thistle feeders and a few suet cakes, and word travels fast!
  • Always opt for a feeder that is small enough that prevents birds such as blue jays from trying to perch on them.
  • Also, be sure to place bird baths in your backyard to tell your fellow neighborhood gold finches and purple finches that your backyard is the place to be.

What to read next:

Tara Summerville

Tara Summerville is a freelance writer that loves her backyard birdfeeders. She enjoys sitting on her deck with a cup of coffee, watching cardinals, blue jays, finches, and chickadees munch away at her backyard offerings. Her fascination with birds began as a child; spending afternoons at her grandma's house watching and identifying birds. She has since carried her love of songbirds into adulthood and ensures no bird in her yard goes hungry!

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