Orioles are members of the blackbird family known for their bright coloring. Ten types of North American orioles found in the United States. Their name is similar to European birds of the Oriolidae...
Pine grosbeak birds live predominantly in the Northern part of the US, Canada, and Alaska. These birds are short migrators only going as far south as the New England states, as they have an affinity...
To attract orioles to your backyard, a bird feeder that serves fruit and jelly or suet will do the job. They don’t like seed, so a classic seed feeder just won't do for these fruit-loving...
Orioles travel annually from wintering grounds in Central America and South America to North America where they mate after a courting ritual and raise their brood before heading south. They are often...
Blue grosbeaks are from the Cardinalidae family, closely related to cardinals and bunting songbirds. These birds have royal blue plumage, a silver beak, and some black and brown bars on their wings....
Townsend's solitaire is a beautiful grey bird with a distinct taste for Juniper berries. Like other songbirds, this species does have a varied diet and they do migrate a distance - not to avoid cold...